21l 001 mit: edu James Nadeau, janadeau@mit. 001 Foundations of Western Culture: Homer to Dante, CI-H 21L. Ahmed, Studies a broad range of texts essential to understanding the two great sources of Western conceptions of the world and humanity's place within it: the ancient world of Greece and Rome and the Judeo-Christian world that challenged and absorbed it. HASS-H; CI-H. Ancient 3. Humanities Literature Classics Comparative Literature Philosophy Learning Resource Types 21L. 6, in the scheduled recitation sections: 3-4 or 4-5 pm in 2-143 or 12-143. The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 ( Russian: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-21; NATO reporting name: Fishbed) is a supersonic jet fighter and interceptor aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the Soviet Union. 611 Latin I [6-unit course] 21L. edu Kristen Lauerman, lauerman@mit. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity 21L. Schedule: MW1-2. 612 Latin II [6-unit course] These two 6-unit classes may be combined by petition to form one 12-unit HASS-Elective. 001 Foundations of Western Literature: Homer to Dante. 21G. 144J 11,496 [1] (10,645 produced in the USSR, 840 in India, 194 in Czechoslovakia ) Variants. Lecture outlines are now available. Ancient and Medieval Studies at MIT is an Interdisciplinary program supported … Abstract. MIT '11 says: October 21, 2008 at 9:05 am. Chengdu J-7. 001 Foundations of Western Culture: Homer to Dante . MIT OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. 006 - American Literature: Class: 21L. 993 Archaeology of the Middle East. The focus will be on examining how works of art have reflected, shaped, and challenged their social and historical contexts. A broad survey of texts, literary, philosophical, and sociological, studied to trace the growth of secular humanism, the loss of a supernatural perspective upon human events, and changing conceptions of individual, social, and communal … Access Class; Class: 21L. Students not yet assigned sections should attend of these 12 responses to “21L. Foundations of Western Culture: Homer to Dante. Info: H, CI-H. Readings vary but usually include works by Homer, Sophocles, Aristotle, Plato, Virgil, St. Jo-Ann Graziano, graziano@mit. 001. 011 last fall! It’s a great class. local: 21L. 12 responses to “21L. Augustine, and Dante. The first meeting of 21L 011 The Film Experience will be Thursday, Sept. Thus the action of the Iliad takes place … The MIT School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (SHASS) is one of the five schools of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This course offers a broad survey of foundational literary and philosophical texts that have come to represent the cultural heritage of the modern Western world. 004 - Major poets: Public: 21L. Any use of the work other than as authorized under this license is prohibited. Complementary to 21L. I took 21L. 470 - Eighteenth-Century Literature - Gods and Monsters: Versions of the Self in 18th-C Britain: Class: 21L. 001-Spring2000. 002 - Foundations of Western Culture II: Public: 21L. 011 - The Film Experience: Public: 21L. Humanities Literature Classics Comparative Literature Philosophy Learning Resource Types MIT OpenCourseWare is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. 993 Archaeology of the Middle East 21L. 001 Departments: Literature Topics: Humanities > Literature > Classics; … 21L. Enas'12 says: October 21, 2008 at 12:13 pm. Ahmed, Home was conventionally admired in the ancient world for beginning both the Iliad and the Odyssey "in media res" (Latin for "in the middle of things"), plunging his audience into a dramatic episode in a much larger course of action and only subsequently interpolating information about the larger business of which the episode is a part. The 20+ fields, disciplines, projects, and areas of research at the School represent the most diverse range of scholarship at MIT. 490], HASS-H. Studies a broad range of texts essential to understanding the two great sources of Western conceptions of the world and humanity's place within it: the ancient world of Greece and Rome and the Judeo-Christian world that challenged and absorbed it. Prereq: None U (Fall) 3-0-9 units. 30 . [21L. 982 Ancient Andean World 3. 21L. As we read broadly from throughout the vast chronological period that is “Homer to Dante,” we will pepper our readings of individual ancient and medieval texts with broader questions like: what images, themes, and philosophical questions recur through the period; are there distinctly “classical” or “medieval” ways of depicting or 21L. Just wait until the later half, when you get into weird movies like 8 1/2…. 011”. 488 - Contemporary Literature: … Complementary to 21L. Readings vary but usually include works by Homer, Sophocles, Aristotle, Plato, Virgil 21L. 001 Departments: Literature As Taught In: Fall 2008 Level: Undergraduate Topics. The Work is protected by copyright and/or other applicable law. Ancient and Medieval Studies at MIT is an Interdisciplinary program supported … The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is providing this Work (as defined below) under the terms of this Creative Commons public license ("CCPL" or "license"). 983 Ancient Mesoamerican Civilization 3. 002 Foundations of Western Literature: From Shakespeare to Now Prereq: none 3-0-9 HASS-H, CI-H. edu. 004 - major poets -- john hildebidle: MIT: 21L. 087J Introduction to Russian Studies [21H.

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